Desde que a banda larga começou a sua propagação inexorável no início de milênio, o uso da internet tem se expandido a um ritmo cósmico. No ano passado, o número de usuários de internet superou 2,4 bilhões - mais de um terço de todos os seres humanos do planeta. O tempo gasto na tela foi de 16 horas por semana a nível mundial - o dobro do que apresenta países de alto uso, e mais do que em mídias sociais. Nós mudamos a forma como interagimos. Estamos mudando também o que somos? Leia mais aqui...
SINCE broadband began its inexorable spread at the start of this millenium, Internet use has expanded at a cosmic rate. Last year, the number of Internet users topped 2.4 billion — more than a third of all humans on the planet. The time spent on the screen was 16 hours per week globally — double that in high-use countries, and much of that on social media. We have changed how we interact. Are we also changing what we are?
SINCE broadband began its inexorable spread at the start of this millenium, Internet use has expanded at a cosmic rate. Last year, the number of Internet users topped 2.4 billion — more than a third of all humans on the planet. The time spent on the screen was 16 hours per week globally — double that in high-use countries, and much of that on social media. We have changed how we interact. Are we also changing what we are?
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